Make Your Customers Comfortable

Adam's Corner

WSAA is a wrap. This is always a good show, and this one did not disappoint. Met with many old and new friends and enjoyed a calming walk on the beach. Sessions included topics like De-risking the acquiring payment environment, payment facilitation, B2B as an emerging market and policies being prioritized around AI, Crypto, and surcharging. Traditional cash discounts and surcharging are in jeopardy. And of course, there is always mention of the Customer Experience.  
The Keynote speaker did the following exercise and I am here to share it with you. Are you ready?
Will you please cross your arms.  
Which arm is on top?  Left or right?
Feels comfortable?
Now, please change it so the other arm is on top.
Pretty uncomfortable right?
Your body is naturally comfortable in one position.  That is on purpose.  The body and mind want to be comfortable.  When something is uncomfortable you may or may not know it.  The first step is realizing that you are uncomfortable, and then figuring out the process to get you to comfortable.  
Customers don't buy when they are uncomfortable.
And now, off to PAXCON!  
Sales strategySales tipsWsaa